Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse

Mantra: Embrace the edge of your comfort zone and enjoy riding the wave of life. 

Life is like a wave, you have crests and you have troughs. The crests are the moments of joy and pleasure while the troughs are the moments of sadness and pain. You cannot have one without the other as the troughs allow for the crests to reach their high peaks. That is the flow of life.

Many humans end up getting comfortable in the trough and think that life is all about hard moments, therefore when they reach the crest they don’t know how to fully embrace the feelings of joy and happiness that come with it.

This FM in Scorpio is all about finding peace in the wave of life so that you can fully embrace the joy of the crest. The trough shows you how to get there and Scorpio is helping you release that which stands in your way.

So ask yourself these questions:

  • Where in your life do you feel stuck in the past and unable to move toward your crest?

  • Do you attach to a limiting belief or fear-based mentality that keeps you from truly and joyfully experiencing the present moment? 

  • How are you blocking the joy in your life? 

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