Cosmic self care practices for Mars in Aries

Mars is in Aries May 25th - July 5th and will bring the courage to act along with some fiery energy.

Mars is an energizing planet. It heats you up and pushes you to take action. It influences your metabolism, muscular system, adrenals, sexual function, and the inflammatory/immune response. 

Aries is the first of the twelve zodiac signs so it initiates, often in a quick and impulsive way. It influences the head, brain, cranial nerves, eyes, and adrenals. 

The combination of these two together will highlight the functions of the body mentioned above with the adrenals and your stress response at the top of the list. 

Integrate this Mars/Aries energy with the following cosmic self care practices (swipe to read through) so that you can work with and not against this powerful energy within your mind, body, and soul. 

A well integrated Mars in Aries will allow you to act with courage and stay grounded at the same time. An unintegrated Mars will create a dysfunctional stress response and inflammation in the body.

Here are 4 tips to integrate during Mars transit through Aries:

These are also great for those who have their natal Mars in Aries.

Also, my good friend and amazing naturopath Dr. Nicole Huffman is releasing an Adrenal course during this transit that I highly recommend!  


Understanding Yourself with Astrology


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