How to Make a Full Moon Wish
The Moon is a cosmic force that influences not only your physical existence on Earth but your emotional one, too. In astrology, it represents the soul behind the identity (Sun) and the space where your subconscious resides. To learn more about the Moon in your birth chart, book a birth chart reading, but for the purpose of this article we are going to chat about how to work with the transiting Moon.
The Moon has a monthly (~28-day) cycle in which it waxes and wanes, reflecting the light of the Sun as it goes from the New Moon to the Full Moon and then back to the New again.
During the New Moon, the Sun and Moon are next to each other. They are talking and planning. This is the time to set intentions and plant the seeds for the future. The Moon is dark, so you focus on what you cannot yet see but wish to manifest. This is a great time to journal or write down your intentions, speak them to a friend, or even create an altar for what you want to grow.
During the Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are opposite each other, so the Moon is bright as it reflects the Sun's light. This illuminates the dynamic between your true identity and soulful emotions. This is a powerful time to harness the cosmic power of the luminaries and make a Moon wish!
How to make a full moon wish
The power of the Full Moon begins about 3-4 days before it is exactly full and lasts for about 3-4 days after. This is the window of time that you can use to help make your wish by following the steps below:
Starting 3-4 days before the Moon is full, focus on and write out the answers to these questions:
What do I need to release in my life that is holding me back from what I truly desire within my soul? It could be a limiting belief, a fear, a person, a situation, etc.
In releasing that, what do I wish to call into my life? To open up to and to fully embrace within my soul. Check-in with yourself during this part to ensure your wish comes from a place of love, not fear or lack.
Next, place this and any other object (picture, crystal, etc.) in a window of your house that has access to moonlight or any window. If you do not have a window, place it in your car or outside under a crystal or rock.
Leave this Moon wish in the window for 7 days, starting 3-4 days before the full Moon and leaving it for 3-4 more days after. You can remove the wish after the 7 days or keep it in the window for another moon cycle, that is up to you.
I like to do this potent practice with each Full Moon. Please make sure your wishes are truly aligned with your soulful intentions.
To help you do that, look up what each Full Moon represents in your life based on astrology. For example, each Full Moon will happen in a specific zodiac sign. That zodiac sign represents a certain house in your birth chart and, therefore, a certain area of your life. Knowing this can help you connect with what you need to release and wish to call in.
Happy Moon Wishing!