Soul-Centered Astrology brings awareness to your soul’s journey and unique gifts.
There are many layers to human existence that can be explained by how the planets are aligned when you are born. At the exact moment of your birth, a unique planetary signature is created that details your soul's intentions in this lifetime. It's what I like to call, your soul signature and can be found within your birth chart.
Your birth chart aka soul signature indicates the custom tool set you have brought into this lifetime. This tool set is energetically supported by the planetary arrangement of your birth chart and is intended to help you tap into your soul's purpose and manifest your highest potential.
What can you expect?
An astrology reading with me is not me talking at you but us having a conversation to fully explore how to best integrate the wisdom and magic of astrology into your everyday life and well-being. I am not just reading your birth chart, I am channeling divine cosmic wisdom in order to help guide you along your path.
Birth Chart Reading
This reading will focus on the planetary placements within your birth chart (sign and house), the relationships (aspects) formed, and the significance behind your chart layout. During our time together, I’ll show you how your birth chart is a personal roadmap that illuminates your soul's path, including your karmic history and soul-centered intentions in this lifetime.
Astro-Wellness Consultation
This reading will focus on the wellness indicators in your birth chart to identify areas of imbalance and show you how to correct this with diet and lifestyle practices that best suit your planetary wellness blueprint.
Year Ahead Reading
Your birth chart never changes, but the planets orbit around the sun, triggering certain parts of your chart/life. This session will explore the cosmic forces via transits, progressions, solar return, and more influencing your life. I will provide support and guidance to help you feel more empowered and grounded in navigating the astrological tides ahead.
30-Minute Reading
This reading is ideal for those who have had a birth chart reading before but require validation or clarification on a specific area such as work, relationships, finances, health, etc. I will utilize astrology and intuitive channeling to give you the necessary insights to move forward with greater confidence and ease.
Relationship Reading
People are often brought together due to karmic connections reflected in the synastry between their birth charts. This reading aims to explore the cosmic threads that unite you with your partner, child, or friend and the lessons that must be learned in your relationship. By understanding your connection more deeply, you will be better equipped to navigate any potential challenges with greater empathy and kindness.
Tarot + Astrology Reading
This is an add-on to any astrology reading where I will pull a tarot spread connected to your read.
This works best with the year-ahead or ask a question reading.
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