Pluto transits and the healing crisis

Pluto is the farthest "planet" from the Sun and represents the hidden parts of the human condition. What is known as the shadow. These are the parts of yourself and your life that are difficult to face and are often repressed, relating to your soul’s karmic baggage.

Pluto’s placement in your birth chart shows where and how you may experience trauma, pain, challenge, etc. But it is also where you have the opportunity to rise above personal fears and tap into your soul's power. Same goes for when you experience a Pluto transit.

It takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the sun, spending up to 30 years in each zodiac sign. Which equates to 30 years in a sign and house in your birth chart. This makes Pluto transits more profound as they can last for about two years! I'm talking major lifetime transits that will challenge and change your life.

Pluto are transits that represent a deep healing crisis.  A time to acknowledge what lies hidden within yourself. There is an emergence of repressed feelings into your awareness, either willingly or unwillingly. You cannot hide from Pluto just like you cannot hide from your truth. The key to working with Pluto transits is to LET GO. Shed and release what no longer serves your evolution and growth. To empower yourself.

Pluto will be transiting through 25-28 degrees of Capricorn in 2022.

If you have any natal planets in your birth chart between 25-28 degrees of either Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn you are experiencing a major Pluto transit this year.

You are not alone! Pluto is activating this healing crisis for many of us (including myself) Study Pluto's placement in your birth chart and dance with your shadow. Regain your power and tap into your soul’s inner wisdom.

To learn more about Pluto in your birth chart and how it impacts your life purpose, join my 2022 Astrology Masterclass!


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Where you best express yourself based on the house position of your Sun.