What’s your elemental nature based on astrology?

You all have a birth chart and within it contains critical information that can help you better understand yourself and your life. It shows the position of the planets along the zodiac at the exact moment of your birth. Think of it as the cosmic blueprint your soul chooses as it enters this life illuminating your individuality, life lessons and purpose.

Getting to know yourself through astrology starts with obtaining your birth chart. This can be done easily and for free online following these 5 simple steps. Now, you may look at this and think “how the heck do I read this and where to begin?”. My advice, start slow.

Start by memorizing the planet and zodiac sign symbols. This is so you know what you are looking at when interpreting your birth chart. I have a free Astrology Beyond the Horoscope mini-course to help you get started. Once you feel comfortable identifying the planets and signs, I would then look to the elements of the zodiac signs.

Each zodiac sign is associated with a certain element:

  • Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

  • Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

  • Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

  • Water sings are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

These elements each carry a certain energy or way of expressing itself:

  • Air lives in the mental body and is associated with thinking, ideas, and communication.

  • Fire lives in the energy body and is associated with inspiration, action, and enthusiasm.

  • Earth lives in the physical body and is associated with all things tactile, material, and sensual.

  • Water lives in the emotional body and is associated with sensitivity, feelings, and intuition.

Each of the planets in your birth chart are in a certain zodiac sign and therefore one these elements. The elemental make-up of the planets in your birth chart can tell you a lot about your overall nature and way of being.

How to determine your elemental nature?

Using your birth chart and this worksheet calculate the element score for each planet. For example, if your Sun is in Libra put 3 points in the air column for your Sun. If your Mercury is in Cancer, put 2 points in the water column for your Mercury and so on. Then calculate the total points for each element column. This will give you a breakdown of your overall elemental nature.

Usually you will find that you have one dominant element and one lacking element in your birth chart. For example, you have 10 total points for air signs and 2 total points for earth signs. This means air is your dominant element and earth is your lacking element.

What your dominant element says about you:

  • If air dominant: you tend to live your life via your mind which could lead to overthinking, overanalyzing, or even anxiety. You can exhaust your nervous system quickly because your mind never seems to rest.

  • If fire dominant: you tend to be overly active, restless, and always needing to make something happen. You tend to burn yourself out because you don’t know when to stop doing.

  • If earth dominant: you tend to put too much emphasis on the material world and practical efficiency. You can get so caught up in getting things done right that criticisms takes over.

  • If water dominant: you tend to be extremely sensitive to your environment. Your emotional reactions can get out of control and be overwhelming at times.

What your lacking element says about you:

  • If lacking air: you may struggle with a lack of social perception and inability to adjust to new ideas and situations.

  • If lacking fire: your vitality may be lower than most and it may be difficult to find inspiration or focus on the joy of life.

  • If lacking earth: you might find if difficult to connect to the physical world or your body which can leave your feeling “spacey”.

  • If lacking water: you might find it difficult to be with or even connect to your emotions and you may lack a certain level of empathy.

Now some may find that they have a pretty well balanced elemental nature and if that is the case, life is about keeping them in balance by attending to each element within yourself.

Daily practices and wellness tips to work with each element coming soon!

Want to learn more about your birth chart? Consider an astrology reading or check out some of my favorite astrology books.


Astrology of Health: Cosmic Body Connection


Neptune transits to your birth chart